Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pod politics of NOW

My existential soul sang
"Don't give up on me"
Too many folks don't
know about the wisdom
of the heart and soul

We see it all around us

On the umbilical cord of
current humanity that has
forgotten their name sake
Human suggesting the quality
of being humane

The only tribe of humane citizenry
I've shared on this planet is with
the non human whale citizens of the planet
successfully navigating the oceans
of their world for fifty million years.

Observe basic tribal customs based
on actions that support the belief,
"I am you and you are me." They
do not take it lightly and when
tribal rules take over all the
whales go together supporting
each on their pathway to eternity.

love disenables fear like
rocks beat scissors

a tribe lasting fifty million years chooses
to go with his or her brothers and sisters
together for whatever the moment requires

string theory enabled with the wo/men
tribe acting no more intelligently than the
whales and dolphins will assure the humans
will acquire that which they profess they want
the current problem is age old as the
peasant clause of humanity goes back
to the fertile delta.

indigenous tribes know what is "pono"
because it is in the ancient DNA passed on
and what works in the world because it
was handed down through the centuries
and constituted the wisdom of the forefathers
as symbolized in contemporary history of the
past six thousand years by the Talmud that
has contemporary interpretations written down
century after century

The whale's Talmud is fifty million years. It was
chanted in the form of songs sung annually by
the pod leaders informing all members of the
tribe world wide how the world was treating
them this year. All on the planet earth took part
in how the "oneness" worked.

The times leading up to today have not
supported this world view. Which is not to
say it does not exist or did not.

It exists as soon as
people one and all embrace a life they
choose to live centered in their heart of
hearts and it must be done by choice
as no heart felt action present
then it makes no sense.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Reunion

Parental Karma lasting more than two decades ... yikes

Waiting 21 years for your son to call is more difficult than it may sound. The sorry hurt I used for a decade or more to erase the pain of our untimely departure from one another ... just wasted alot of time and alcohol, though I am delighted I managed to lose the negativity of my life pretty early on. Or so I thought. I suffered in the negativety dumped on me by my wife's family pretty much the way you suffered through your own mother's negativity. Having lived with your mother for seven years, I was more than mildly familar with her bouts of depression.

When she departed with you and your sister, I basically fell off the face of the earth. I liked being your father. We had a good time, especially Daphne and me because we spent alot of our time together. You were younger and not as affected by the shenanigans of the early 70's. It was one of those things. You just had to have been there to make any sense of it. I was fairly over the top cruising into San Francisco with my young companion's new Chevy Malibu pulling my '73 super beetle behind. I was speeding so high coming through Donner Pass I decided to let Shelley drive when I thought I was going to hit my head on the ceiling of the restaurant we were in.

I can still remember coming into our cool townhouse on 11th Avenue next to Tom's and lighting up then noticing the house was totally silent. Our house was never totally silent. And my little ones were nowhere to be found. Blackness closed in. I hadn't been drinking for sometime... and I walked next door crossing over the driveway to enter the side door at Tom's. I would not be sober again for more than a decade.

To be able to hug you and embrace you was a hugely rewarding moment that is still lasting as I enjoy the healing feeling of my heart as I nolonger have to doubt daily, who you are, how you are, how did everything turn out for you, I was sorry I let you down because I was still too young and confused to figure out how I was supposed to win the legal battles against a father-in-law who truly hated me and had the money to "clean my clock." It was an impotent feeling of castration. I didn't like it yet proceeded to end up in a family that was excellent at rejecting me on a daily basis, much the way your grand pop and Uncle Dick spent everyday rejecting you.

I can only assure you it is good to get rid of all the negative crap as early as possible and you have done marvelously well by not drinking much earlier than any other Reeves's except for your sister Leah who is officially the winner of the youngest Reeves to "get it." BUT ... those of us who had to get it entirely on our own without parental assistance ... you da mon!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

October 2005 Noshir attacked by government forces

Noshir Sheriarji Gowadia is my next door neighbor in Maui. I met him the first time we came down the road we decided to live on, that very same day. We just agreed to the asking price of the previous owner and now we (my wife and I) were looking around our new neighborhood attempting to guess who our now new neighbors may be. We went to the ocean and there was a house that looked like it was still being built, of a wildly original design. My wife wanted to go through it if it was still being built and she just walked up and jiggled the door handle. Two french black french poodles came up to the door barking. A dark haired gentleman appeared suddenly and opened the door and asked my wife Luba, " can I help you."

Reflecting on our visit to Noshir's, we both agreed it was the most incredible houses I had ever been in. The whole structure felt like it was a bubble under the ocean with walls that one feels no closure in. The interior angles were all stealthy, angles unused in architecture previously as far as I could tell. Architects will tell you, feel the house - how does it feel around you. Can you live in it at one with it and yourself. It was six thousand square feet of living area that seemed overwhelming huge yet amazingly intimate for its size.

As I got to know Noshir, he struck me alot like the Einstein, an old friend, Ilse Sternberger told me about when she and her husband went to do his personal portrait back in the early 50's when he was living at Princeton. A quality of being there and very happy in the present, smiling and friendly but another part of him gone off somewhere working. A Nikolai Tesla man who got into trouble the same way Tesla had with J P Morgan, only Noshir got in trouble with the Pentagon.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Throw it against the wall and see what sticks.

Halloween coming up here in Maui. Funny Lahaina town looking so much like San Francisco on the same day. A good day to be gay since everyone is in the parade to day. Outrageousness is in. Standard form.

I learned this week even being a young sixty one, we still possess the capacity to delude ourselves for years at a time. I used to pride myself on being intelligent with computers. But there I stood in the computer store and dr. klause pointed out the discrepancy in my self promotional scheme. Though I could type in Napili Bay Condos and be number one in Yahoo and Google ... what good was this party trick, if 360,000,000 people typed in their queries this past month and only 33 typed in my phrase. Guess where the 33 came from.

Fortunately my niche in the Maui industry was supported by an affordable and accessible vehicle for sharing information readily.. the press and the WWW. Delivery of four color brochures is instant and paperless. Saves all kinds of printing following the course of the klaus school of positive ROI's created by figuring out the zero sum basis of vertical marketing...millions are to be made in the evolving model of live tv combined with print media acquired through the personalized televideo media of the web. There is an immediacy there not easily tapped before the development of broadband and tools like Quicktime Streaming. For twenty some years my friends heard about a tale soon to arrive just as soon as i finished up the latest business.

Feeling like Wallace Stevens most of my life where he was an insurance salesman, he still wrote his extremely fine poetry. My business experience gives me the excuse i need not to confront the basics of "will success spoil rock hudson." at this age, death looms as scarey as success.

Friday, December 19, 2003

Google vs Marketing Rights of the TIE's

As an individual small business marketer that must compete head to head with Giant Branded Corporations, INC. in the local marketplace as well as the internet market place, we should not be penalized by a third party indexer search business’s decision arbitrarily penalize us based on GBC, Inc.’s bankrolling the current government. The internet was formed by the agreement of taxpayers and their representatives. The media was created first for defense of the nation and must now be used to defend the marketplace currently totally controlled through GBC Inc. Mega capital intensive rulers that wield an iron fist against the small business community that employs 65% of the American population.

Small businesses are lucky to reach a ten million dollar annual gross – GBC Inc. couldn’t buy the executive cars for that. Certainly not the vacations or the golden parachutes of ENRON’s finest fleecers of America’s taxpayer. We’re the little guys. We carry the brunt of the day to day economic burden of supporting America. As small businesses we don’t control the laws that benefit GBC Inc. The major contributors like Ken Lay and ENRON who paid Bush’s way into office by almost bankrupting California’s energy market as they created their protype of destruction on the general backwoods mentality of the ordinary everyday Texan. They had already learned the brutishness of the GW style. The rest of the country has had the past three years to figure it out. Clinton only had sexual scandals to fill his day. GW has to take care of spending the billions as a loser CEO (again) and "get out of Dodge" as soon as the task is done. Texans already knew what lack of wisdom and restraint cost them in the past ten years. They went from and eight billion dollar surplus to a 10 billion dollar deficit by the time GW fled for his next appointment. His enlightened style of leadership over the past ten years had already been spent while the citizens get to pay the debt created by partisan politics. This style of rape and pillage doesn't much matter to one who will be long gone as CEO of America before anyone catches on. It always worked in the past.

But what is available today in the new millennium is a new info structure allowing the little guy to float in the sea of the Giant Branded Corporations, Inc. (GBC,Inc.) as this author calls it. Apparently it was alright when franchises buried local businessmen in their neighborhoods when the franchisers took up valuable neighborhood resources like most of the retail rental space. In the process of making the invasion, rental space jumped significantly in the modern urban centers. New and old GBC, Inc. entered the neighborhoods of America. Good bye Mom and Pop anything. To compete you must be a GBC, Inc. or be nothing at all.

This is the attitude companies like Google are applying cross the board in their approach to directing traffic on the internet. They are asking the questions and delivering the information based on what they believe is correct. Naturally their point of view is that "bigger is better." They want to get into the GBC, Inc. business and their brand is big. In reality, smaller is better for management of small business, while actively making the market place bigger using innovative technology now affordable to the small business arena.

I take some clues from Benjamin Franklin and William Blake to get some ideas of what to do now. The independent entrepreneur’s (TIES) appear like privateers in the internet sea. In psyberspace the individual is allowed to appear virtually in a market place that fills the entire planet. Learn the new market place and make the new rules. Unfortunately the GBC, Inc. guys always get a head start since they already purchased the team. The internet allows an individual entrepreneur a degree of independence to duck and weave through the the bloated ranks of giant pig iron using affordable modern technology that gives them the edge.

The TIEs know you have to pay with your own money to get through your spread sheet. GBC, Inc. businesses don’t much care about that approach to business. It is not by accident America got plunged into ten times the national debt Clinton carried into the Bush appointment by the previous Bush appointees of the father for the Supreme Court. Companies like ENRON aggressively skimmed the working American’s money who wanted to make money on the stock market too and were guaranteed secrecy so the taxpayer will never find out what went on behind closed doors. This stuff makes Watergate look like a hic cup. Modern giants need a reason to spend your money. Make the taxpayers believe they must take on their next burden or they will not survive.

Many men like the founders of Google, come from bright young folks that are forgetting what makes America the wonderful place it is. Like privateer’s on the ocean, the home of the independent entrepreneurial spirit has been transferred from the congressional military industrial complex that charged full steam ahead since the Reagan Bush (ragged bush) to this wacky era of GW Bush’s faux economy. Just how many billions of dollars do you feel you have to burn as the CEO of America. Every bankrupt company this lad got his hands on quickly went down the tubes. How can America fare any better than any of his previous failures. And they called Ronnie teflon. At least the GW Bush is consistent in his talents or lack of. The corporating of Amerika is happening as we speak. We have already heard the new world order, except it sounds like the new world disorder.

Saturday, August 23, 2003


it is what it is
you are what it
there are no mistakes .... tom robbins Villa Incognito 2003